VR Sketch view outliner

Im using VR Sketch to view models from Sketchup. I was wondering if its possible to see the outliner tab while using VR Sketch.

Hi! Sorry, no, the outliner tab is not available in VR. If you want, we can add it to our to-do list, but at the moment it might be low priority…

Thanks for replying.

I would like for it to be added on the to-do list. I understand if its in the low priority list.

OK! Added. As usual we’ll first check if it should be added in exactly the same way or adapted to take advantage of VR, but it looks like you want the same as in Sketchup.


Definitely need voice enabled search and naming.

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Yes, PLEASE! Access to the Outliner would be a game-changer!
Honestly, the current level of functionality has been a game-changer in its own right (bravo, guys, seriously!!) – but, the one unfortunate reality of the current implementation is that I have to keep leaving VR to get serious work done. This is a shame considering the fact that SO MUCH of the desktop functionality has actually been integrated at this stage. It’s so close to being where I could work for the majority of the time.
Anyway… keep up the amazing work!

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