Locking direction


just wondering if it would be possible to adjust the measurement showing live in model when moving or copying geometry along a locked axis… now the measurement is the REAL (unconstrained) distance between the origin of action and actual position of pointer but I would be more interested in the measurement along the locked axis. Not sure if I am clear.
And a small detail sideways – is it important to show the lock on locked axis? Sometimes it is annoying because it hides important details.


Hi! Indeed, we have noticed recently that the move/copy tool now shows the distance before snapping. This was accidentally introduced in the previous version, and will be fixed in the next version (very soon). Sorry about that.

Showing the lock after locking the direction: yes, I see the point. I think the lock icon is not useful in the specific case where you picked “lock direction” in the context menu. You know that you just applied locking, and it’s also easy to guess that unlocking is done in the context menu again (or just cancelling the whole move and trying again).

The lock icon is useful in different situations. E.g. when you are moving with one controller and see an alignment guide (very thin line from somewhere else in the model, makes the controller vibrate when you reach the alignment), then you can reach out to that alignment line with the other controller and click, and this locks the alignment. You can do it again to remove the lock. The lock icon is useful in this case because it is part of the interaction needed to make or remove the lock. Also, in that case the lock is not over the currently moved geometry, but off to the side on the alignment line. Also also, it is placed where you choose along the line, and not forced at 50% of the line.

This all sounds like there should be no lock icon for the case where you pick “lock direction” in the menu.

Thanks. I think you got my point exactly. Looking forward to the next version then.
About the lock symbol – perhaps it would be enough to make its size somehow responsive to the distance between the position of the symbol and actual position of camera…?

Do you mean that the lock should shrink to very small when you move your head very close? That’s not something we do for anything else in the rest of VR Sketch… I think it’s better to just hide the lock icon in case it’s there because you picked “lock direction” in the menu.

Yes, that is what I meant but It’s pointless – hiding the lock is a perfect solution, agreed :sweat_smile:

VR Sketch 24.0 was released, including both the unconstrained distance fix and hiding the locks in the situation mentioned above.