Move tool problem

I am not sure if I do everything correctly but sometimes the move tool does not work as I would expect. I select some geometry (few edges and faces of a wall opening in the last case) and want to adjust its position. But the tool won’t “grab” the geometry at all. No matter where I click the selected geometry won’t move. It was happening in the previous version, too.
If I select only one edge the tool works normally.
Am I doing something wrong?

Sketchup Pro 2020, VRSketch 24.0.0, Meta Quest 2.

This sounds like an annoying bug. We will look as soon as possible!

Update. It seems that the problem is somehow related to precision. The wall in which I was trying to move the opening is made of two faces (= it is not a closed solid) and the measurement tool shows distance between them 150mm on one end and ~150mm on the other. Looks like the faces are not precisely parallel. Could this be the explanation for what was happening with the move tool?

Something like the almost-parallel faces situation you describe could be the reason, yes. But I can’t reproduce the problem; it must require a special situation for it to show up. The easiest way forward would be if you could copy in a new Sketchup file the situation with the wall and the opening, with as little extra things as possible, and send it to me? The idea is that I should be able to load your file and find what I need to do to see the same problem…

One way to do that is to use copy/paste in Sketchup to copy just the relevant wall geometry and paste it into a new file.

Oh, forgot to mention: please send the file to

Fixed! It was a bug in the logic that would prevent the Move tool from activating at all, in a case that theoretically shouldn’t be possible—but your model manages to reach this case, because of the almost-but-not-quite-parallel planes. The fix will be included in the next release. Thank you for reporting it!

Please note that moving the door will work, but “break” one of the walls into triangles—it’s not possible that both walls remain perfectly planar in this situation. You can see why by building an exaggerated example where the two walls have a much larger angle between them: you can slide the door frame so that it remains inside one of the walls, but if you have selected the whole frame, then the other wall will cave in or bulge out.

That means that with this fix, we fix the “why can’t I move this??” question, but the actual result is messy anyway and maybe not what the user really wants.

Thanks Armin.
In fact I was confused by not seeing the wall being “broken into triangles” which is what I would expect to happen in this situation in “classic” Sketchup and I would immediately know where the fault was.

I agree, and the fix is rather important! I’m mostly saying that there is little point in me posting a preview of the upcoming version here with the fix. This is because you (or someone else reading this post) already know that if you’re not able to move a wall, it’s likely because of a similar situation that needs fixing anyway.