No compatible VR headset detected

I have an Oculs Rift and when I try to use VR Sketch - the message I get is "No compatible VR headset detected. Connect it now and restart this program to try again and in the Development Console - in RED it says: VR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code
VRInitError_Init_InstallationNotFound. “Installation Not Found (100)”!

My Oculus Rift works with all the other programs but this one - any ideas?

Does anyone what this means?
XR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_InstallationNotFound: “Installation Not Found (100)”!


Do you have SteamVR installed? If yes, is it working properly with e.g. Steam VR home?

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Yeah! You need install steam, steam vr and for someone that use the mixed reality headset need to install the windows mixed reality on steam too. With this the major of vr app work. If soneone to need help to watch the @mixedrealitytv by sebastian on youtube. He has 2 videos that talk about