Original HTC Vive problem

I have a original HTC Vive and a have a problem when open any sketchup model: The joysticks doesnt work. In fact, they dont appear.
I’m attach two screenshots with the problem.
In metaquest2, they works greatly.
There’s any thing i can do?

The kind of issue you have where the controllers don’t show up appears to be some flaky logic somewhere inside Unity and/or the various slightly-buggy pieces of software that come along the far-too-deep stack for VR. Usually, this problem can be fixed by retrying: try to close and re-open SteamVR and VR Sketch, or if it doesn’t help, reboot your computer completely. Try also to press some button on the controllers, sometimes it’s enough to make them show up.

We’re sorry about this issue. As far as we are aware, there isn’t much we can do about it.

Thanks for reply.
Unfortunately, I already reinstalled my entire setup with updated software: OS… Vive software… Steam software… Drivers… Trying turn joysticks/base stations off and on inside vrskecth. Open vrskecth with steamvr already opened. Nothing works.
The only software that remains the same, is the SketchUp.

Old versions of vrsketch have the same problem for me.
The problem are always the same: The joystick is tracked… I can move it. But the joystick itself does not appear. Pressing any button also shows no reaction.

That’s unfortunate. It looks like you already tried everything, and it might really be a problem in VR Sketch (or a bug in the SteamVR interaction with Unity, which we usually manage to debug and work around). We’ll have to try on our side. It has been a little while since we last tested HTC Vive, but we should manage to do it in the next couple of weeks.

Sorry to bother and thanks.
If i can help, i can do any test here.
I noticed that in the Steam VR Settings, vrsketch is showed as “Oculus VR Plugin (Unknow Engine)”. Is this correct?

I don’t know exactly, but it looks strange. Can you go to the SteamVR Settings, page OpenXR, and check what it says for “Current OpenXR runtime:”? And if necessary, click “Set SteamVR as OpenXR runtime”?

Hi arigo.
Yesterday i reinstalled all my setup again(SO, Drivers, Steam an Sketchup+vrskecth). And now, the joysticks work properly.
I dont remember before, but now, OpenXR is set to SteamVR. In this setting screen too, Meta plugin compatibility is off. VR Sketch still are shown as “Oculus VR Plugin (Unknown Engine)” on the Steam custom application settings.
I dont know why works now, but the only diference this time, was that i didnt install the VIVE software. I just installed Steam with the headset connected and an option to install SteamVR was show.