Problem with "export to .dae"

@1111 asked the following:

Hi. The experimental Local edit redactor is good. It has feature to import from Sketchup Warehouse. But this function doesn’t work yet. When approximately are you going to fix it?
Also the function export to .dae doesn’t work yet. The same question.

About the Sketchup warehouse: this is very hard to do without using Sketchup, because over the years Trimble added more and more requirements (you need to log in with your Trimble account, to start with). I fear that it won’t be possible to directly import models from the Sketchup warehouse, sorry. You can of course import them into a Sketchup model (with or without VR Sketch) and then convert that model into a VR Sketch file.

Export to .dae: this works for me on a variety of sample models. If it doesn’t work in your case, can we see your model ( Maybe there is a specific problem with it. Alternatively, do you get an error message?

A bientôt,
Armin Rigo