Rotate around one axis

Hello. Is it somehow possible to constrain rotation tool to only one rotation plane? Now when I want to rotate a geometry, there are always two rotation planes and when trying to pick a small angle close to 0 the directions change repeatedly from one plane to another which is distracting.
Other thing is that the rotation tool doesn’t work with number containing a dot “.” but needs a comma “,” which is not on the numpad showing to set a precise angle. Is this a problem in my system settings (like system language or localisation or whatever) or is it possible to change it in the app?

Indeed, I agree that the rotation tool is too happy to switch between the possible rotation planes when you’re trying to pick a small angle. We should make it require larger movements to change the plane, and/or add an option in the context menu “lock rotation plane”.

I don’t understand why you get commas in the angle numpad. I’m myself on a machine with a localization that says “use commas as decimal separator”, but still VR Sketch shows and accepts numbers with dots—this is by design, to avoid precisely the kind of issues you are having. Can you confirm exactly where you see a number with a comma, or maybe post a screenshot? Or is it a number with a dot that is not accepted when you click “OK”? If so, can you post a screenshot of what occurs?

Great, locking the rotation plane would be nice.

I attach two screenshots: one shows the numpad with a default value just after clicking the “enter angle…” possibility in the context menu and the other shows the numpad after I write a new value with a decimal separator. In this second situation the number won’t be accepted by the app so If I really need to use a decimal number, I have to rewrite the number without “touching” the comma because otherwise there is no way to get it back again :rofl:

I’m getting “20” in the keypad, not “20,0000” nor “20.0000”. Which version of VR Sketch are you using?

What occurs immediately after you click the green button with “20.0000”? Does the dialog box disappear but nothing occurs at all?

Clicking on the green button does nothing at all, the dialog box stays active and the value is being selected (highlighted).

Never mind, I think I’ve found the problem in the source code. I’m not sure why it works for me, but this piece of code is indeed using a functionality that is documented as giving a “culture-dependent” result, so I guess that’s it. It will be fixed in the next release too!

VR Sketch 24.0 was released, including both fixes mentioned here!