Sketch tool save

Hi there.

Is there a way to save a project with notes created in VR? When I use the sketch tool I can see it fine, but when I close the app and re-enter the file the sketch is gone. The file is exported from sketchup into the cloud and edited from there.


At the moment, no, the models uploaded to the cloud won’t save notes: they are fully read-only once uploaded. It might be possible for us to change that, but there are questions to resolve first (e.g. should anyone with the URL be able to edit and erase any notes? Should there be a way to reset the notes, and should anyone viewing the model be able to do that? Should there be a way to download the modified notes back into a Sketchup file? Maybe we should consider the option to make the uploaded models fully editable?)

There are alternatives right now: if you edit a model directly from Sketchup instead of using the “Upload model to cloud” option, then the notes, like other edits you make, are stored inside your Sketchup model. Additionally, with the experimental mode available on standalone Quest headsets, you can take a model sent from Sketchup and save a copy of it locally on the headset. This severs the connection to Sketchup, but the local file can be edited locally, including notes.

The idea that I could save the file after making notes in vr and then load the file back into sketchup sounds awesome! Regarding deleting notes - this should be easy if only any notes would appear on the separate group, then inside vr or in sketchup we could just toggle the visibility on or off or delete everything right?

Thanks for the alternatives, but in my current setup I can’t connect to the file in the place I’m editing it.
Any update you make regarding my thread here, I would greatly apricciate, please let me know if you do so :slight_smile:

I’ll need to think more about it. The notes are not attached into groups, they exist globally and are drawn specially by the vrsketch extension inside sketchup. The problem is that we can’t have edges of multiple colors in sketchup (at least not without enabling some rarely-used style, which we don’t want to force people to do). We would need (yet another slightly obscure) menu command in the extension, like “clear all notes and replace them with the notes that someone did in VR inside a cloud model…”.