Xbox Controller Support

Hi all, I’m a new user to VR Sketch. I’ve used SketchUp for years and recently decided to try my VR headset for model visualisation. I don’t intend to model in VR just visualisation. I find the Vive Pro 2 controllers more of a hindrance than useful as they aren’t the desired controller (is it the Quest controllers that are represented in the user interface?) Does your/this plugin support Xbox controller input? For navigation purposes as it’s just more natural for me to move via analog stick.

Thanks in advance,


We fixed the older Vive Pro and the Valve Kunckles controllers in the latest release 23.1. Please make sure you are testing with that version. We don’t have a Vive Pro 2 specifically for testing, though, so maybe the controllers are wrong—though it seems that they are identical, and if so they should be displayed identically in VR.

Xbox controller: sorry, no. The primary method of movement in VR Sketch is teleporting. Due to user requests, we eventually implemented moving using the analog joystick of the supported controllers, but we never experimented with other non-VR controllers like the Xbox one. However, we really recommend getting used to teleporting to avoid any nausea.


Good evening Armin,
Thank you for replying to my post. I will work on getting used to teleporting to navigate. Going back to the release version I’m using, it is the current release which is v23.1.0. Is there a means of configuring my Vive Pro 2 controllers inside VR Sketch? they do work to a degree, I can teleport round without too much difficulty. However, the controllers that are visible in the plugin seem to be the Quest ones with pre-configured button mapping which don’t correspond with my controllers. It would be nice if the Vive controllers were displayed with the buttons mapped to that controller. The most annoying thing for me is not being able to close the prompt when starting the plugin relating to nausea as I don’t have a B button mapped.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Many thanks,

Sorry if the controllers are not displayed correctly with the Vive Pro 2. I tested two weeks ago with an old HTC Vive and it works as expected. I’ll check if we can test with a Vive Pro 2, but I’m not sure at this point.

Note that VR Sketch maps any controller’s buttons to “actions”, which are trigger, grip, A (tools) and B (menu). For the HTC Vive controllers, the “A” button is pressing the touchpad and the “B” button is the small menu button just above the touchpad. If this doesn’t work in your case, you could try to configure it explicitly in SteamVR’s menu: open the menu by clicking on the title of the small SteamVR window; pick “Devices”, “Controller settings”; then you should be able to remap the buttons from your real controller to actions configured in VR Sketch.